Another “no bag” photo to prove that Timothy really does have legs. Fresh from stepping out of the barber’s this morning, his legs and feet are, in fact, very clean, tidy and well trimmed.
Being a northern dog, Timothy likes his gravy – so keeps his ears trimmed quite short because he prefers to lick up gravy with his tongue instead of mopping it up with his ears.
Timothy looks very smart.
I’m sure he appreciates getting his full quota of gravy. He deserves it.
Will he get a fur-lined bag for the winter, or do we have to miss seeing him out and about?
He does shiver in the bag when it is cold, but has a fleece blanket which he gets wrapped around him inside the bag. It’s not really visible in the photos, but he was certainly in the fleece for the Tower Bridge photos last November (http://www.doginabag.co.uk/2015/11/tower-bridge/). He also has a duffle coat, which you can see in the Saratt photos (http://www.doginabag.co.uk/2016/01/sarratt-village-water-pump/).
If you know of any fur-lined bags that are in his size, he’ll get one!